Research publications

A nation lives as long as its cultural monuments live. Art theft in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 1939–1945. Mechanisms, development, contexts.

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A nation lives as long as its cultural monuments live

Publications     Research publications

The publication "A nation lives as long as its cultural monuments live. Loot of art in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in the years 1939–1945. Form, Course, Context" maps the confiscation of art objects and valuables on the territory of the...Show detail

The Collection of the Jew Josef Pollák . Deposit no. 1164 in The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague.

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Sbírka Žida Josefa Polláka

Publications     Research publications

The book deals with the family of the Jewish collector Josef Pollak and his collection of miniatures, porcelain, paintings, drawings and graphic works, which he transferred in the spring of 1939 as Deposit No. 1164 to the Museum of Decorative Arts in...Show detail

Jewish Property Transferred From Sychrov Castle to Other Locations

Jewish Property Transferred From Sychrov Castle to Other Locations

Publications     Research publications

The Centre has published a catalog of items from the property of the WWII victims, transferred from Sychrov castle to other locations. The publication summarizes the fate of identified objects and presents short medallions of their original owners.Show detail

Jewish Property Sold from the Sychrov Castle

Jewish Property Sold from the Sychrov Castle

Publications     Research publications

The Centre publishes a catalogue of items - originating from the property of WWII victims - sold from the Sychrov Castle during the post-war period, especially in 1960s, when the administration of historic monuments was transferred to district authorities.Show detail

The Fate of Wartime Deposits / Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague, Volume 1; the Second Edition

The Fate of Wartime Deposits / Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague, Volume 1; the Second Edition

Publications     Research publications

The Documentation Centre publishes the second edition of The Fate of Watime Deposits / Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague, Volume 1. The publication describes the wartime and post-war fate of four deposits deposited in the Prague Museum of Decorative Arts...Show detail

Paintings from Jewish Collections at the National Gallery in Prague I. Unidentified Owners

Paintings from Jewish Collections at the National Gallery in Prague I. Unidentified Owners

Publications     Research publications

The Documentation Centre has published a new book from a series of publications dedicated to paintings from Jewish collections at the National Gallery in Prague. The study, dedicated to Richard Popper's collection (Paintings from Jewish collections at...Show detail

Jewish property deposited at the Sychrov Castle II / Applied Arts

Jewish property deposited at the Sychrov Castle II / Applied Arts

Publications     Research publications

The Centre publishes a catalogue of applied art at present deposited at the Sychrov castle but originating from the property of the Jewish population of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. (In Czech language.)...Show detail

Jewish property deposited at the Sychrov castle

Jewish property deposited at the Sychrov castle

Publications     Research publications

The Documentation Centre has published the fourth book from the series of publications cataloguing the works of art, originally from the property of WW II victims. Detailed study, describing the provenance research and property transfers in the context...Show detail

Jewish property deposited at the Zákupy castle

Jewish property deposited at the Zákupy castle

Publications     Research publications

The Documentation Centre has published a new publication entitled Jewish property deposited at the Zákupy Castle. It is already the fifth book from the series of publications following the history of transfers of works of art and decorative arts, today...Show detail

Paintings from Jewish collections at the National Gallery in Prague - Richard Poppers´s Collection

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Richard Popper’s Collection

Publications     Research publications

A catalogue of paintings of Richard Popper's collection at the National Gallery in Prague. The publication summarizes the fate of Popper's collection, based on an archive research.Show detail

The Fate of Wartime Deposits, volume 2

The Fate of Wartime Deposits, volume 2

Publications     Research publications

The publication follows the first volume and describes the movements of the individual objects and collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague during the war and the postwar period.Show detail

The Fate of Wartime Deposits, volume 1

The Fate of Wartime Deposits, volume 1

Publications     Research publications

The publication describes the movements of the individual objects and collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague during the war and the postwar period.Show detail

Sbírka Bedřicha Lederera uložená na zámcích Sychrov a Zákupy

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Sbírka Bedřicha Lederera uložená na zámcích Sychrov a Zákupy

Publications     Research publications

The catalogue entitled Sbírka Bedřicha Lederera uložená na zámcích Sychrov a Zákupy presents the collection of prints that Bedřich Lederer collected during his lifetime. After his death in 1949, the collection was declared a state cultural property...Show detail

Siegfried Blumenthal. Life In and Outside Reality

Siegfried Blumenthal. Life In and Outside Reality

Publications     Research publications

The monograph study entitled Siegfried Blumenthal. Life In and Outside Reality is focused on the fate of the collector Siegfried Blumenthal of Brno. The story of Blumenthal´s life is followed by a provenance study and the catalogue of the fragments of...Show detail

Lives for Ransom

Lives for Ransom

Publications     Research publications

The publication is focused on the exports and forced donations of works of art during the emigration of Jews from Bohemia and Moravia 1938-1942 (the case of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague).Show detail

Memories Returned

Memories Returned

Publications     Research publications

The publication Memories Returned. Jewish Property at the Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague is a result of the original research of the Documentation Centre in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague.Show detail