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The Collection of the Jew Josef Pollák . Deposit no. 1164 in The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague.

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Sbírka Žida Josefa Polláka

The book deals with the family of the Jewish collector Josef Pollak and his collection of miniatures, porcelain, paintings, drawings and graphic works, which he transferred in the spring of 1939 as Deposit No. 1164 to the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. In 1942 he was deported to Terezín and in autumn 1944 to Auschwitz, where he perished. After the war, his mother, who survived in Terezín, received most of the deposit back from the museum. The catalogue is entitled The Collection of the Jew Josef Pollak. It is a literal translation of the title of the Protectorate’s list of the Sammlung des Juden Josef Pollak deposit, which has been preserved in the Centre for the Registration of Collections of the MDA. The title of the catalogue thus refers to the source, but at the same time draws attention to the Nazi rhetoric that referred in this way to a group of people destined for extermination.

 Czech edition. ISBN 978-80-909025-3-4